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Your dream person. Your perfect person. The person to whom you wish to be with intimately more than anyone else. Despite its rarity, everyone has a unicorn. But everyone’s unicorn is rare to them. This one person can sooth your soul and give you a sense of worth or completeness. Just the thought of this person can heal your innermost pain on the darkest of days. It’s the perfect person.
That is seriously beautiful . . . really it is! Plus, unicorns are awesome!!!
So, here is my question to you . . . what happens when your "unicorn" or the person you love the most is the one who " CAUSES your innermost pain on the darkest of days"? Well, that sucks to think about, doesn't it?
When Ed isn't acting out . . . or sex addiction isn't surrounding our world . . . he is my perfect person. That is actually what keeps me here, Ed is what I always wanted in a husband and father.
It has become harder though, since his last bender was so bad and I am much more aware of my inner pain. Truly I have learned that nothing is perfect and happiness needs to come from within.
Is there really such thing as our "perfect person"? I don't know the answer to that but I do know this:
- I am the only one who can heal my innermost pain
- I am the only one who can soothe my soul
- I am the only one who can give me a sense of worth or completeness
These things need to come from within myself. I guess I am my OWN UNICORN . . . . .
Beautiful! <3